Lately I've been in pendant production mode. I've made a LOT of pendants lately... I've been so in the zone totally diggin' the jewelry vibe. And then my new Jane Ann Wynn book, Altered Curiosities, arrived yesterday day afternoon... just at the right time... you know how the Universe will do that some times? Miracles, really.
Well, I owe a big thanks to the Universe and my new BFF - Jane - I do need to shift back into shrine mode... I have an upcoming class or two or three all about my Feng Shui shrines... Jane's book arrived just at the right time to get my mind going back in that direction. I'm finishing up a bunch of pieces today just in time to pull out the shrine kits and Feng Shui goodies!
The little table top shrine above sits in the elders part of my home... mmmm interesting...
Last little note for today... a tiny shrine was commissioned as an anniversary gift for a friend's wife. If you click the title of today's post you'll go to the picture... let me know what you think!
Very Pretty.